Girls on the Run - Watertown

Girls on the Run

Watertown, MA

Join this 5K training team and build confidence to do hard things!

About the program

Hello Mountain Mover!

Girls on the Run is now assembling in Watertown. Get ready to build the confidence to do hard things. Join a team where you can make new friends and feel like you belong!

Are you ready to believe in yourself as you take on challenges?

  • Your team will mee 2x/week for 8 weeks
  • Caring couaches lead fun lessons and games, group discussions, and physical activities
  • Each team dreams up and completes a Community Impact Project that helps make the world a better place
  • You will cross the finish line with your team in an exciting and joyful 5K

Season Details
Site/Team Name: Watertown Rec @ Hosmer School
Eligible to Participate: Watertown girls in grades 3 - 5
Practice Days & Times: Wed & Fri, 2:30 - 4 p.m.
Season Starts: Wed. April 2nd
*no practice during April school vacation week
End of Season Celebratory 5K: Saturday May 31
Program Fee: $225 - Financial assistance always available!

Site Contact: Kristy Walter (
GOTR Contact: Steph Gendron (

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